Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Stranded in Bespin

What!? Ewok's don't belong in Bepsin. Explain yourself! I drew this for an After Effects animation exercise in college a few years back. The assignment was just to take some drawing elements and make them move. I liked the drawing so I decided to go back and soup it up some.  I'll post the animation sometime soon too. Prints are available on my Etsy shop for this little guy, and to anyone who bought one of these at the Art B Que, contact me and I'll send you an updated version of the drawing for free. Hang on to the original, though!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Etsy shop is up!

Not much to buy quite yet, but I'll have many more pieces very soon! The shop

Friday, May 17, 2013

Atlanta Glorious Atlanta

Hey, so I've been living in Atlanta for a few years now, and lately I've been wanting to make a poster that really captures the essence of this great city. After some thought I decided on using traffic as a theme. Ask anyone, the traffic sucks. Personally, I just travel by dog powered chariot and save the hassle. Here are some of my favorite runner up ideas for the poster: Atlanta is for grown ups, Atlanta honks for hotties, Atlanta picks and flicks, We've got big buildings and big butts, Our racist mountain has a great light show.