Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Whats next?

Well I think I'm done with this one. I'll have to stop working on it a while to see if I like where it is or not, but everything is painted at least. Remy studied it and said it looked good...

His artistic opinion is worthwhile compositionally but I'm not sure if I can trust his sense of color on account of the whole colorblind thing.

Sorry that the picture quality is no good. I should take pictures in a room with better lighting probably...
Well, more later as always.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Alrighty then

Ok so I went to paint the faces on this "Hunger Artist" illustration and realized that its been a minute since I last painted flesh tones so I figured I'd do a few practice runs:

You can tell which ones I did first. Its a good thing I practiced or else one of those would be on this piece (its not done, duh!):

Friday, October 23, 2009

closer still

Well lobsterman is on his way! I think I'm gonna do a little more in the background and there might be a little more work to do on his arms. I think I'll post the finished next though.

What goes on here?

Here's one thing I'm working on today. The devious lobsterman! Obviously I still need to paint his carapace and whatnot, but then I'm gonna throw down aging and cracking varnishes. Its gonna smell... but it'll look cool. I might mess a little more with the background before I do anything though. I'll post the finished product later.
Preliminary sketch... I'm gonna put it on some better paper and I think I'll finish it with watercolor. I already have an idea of the values, but I need to stylize this line work a little more. I want it to have kind of a dark mood to it.

more later...

kicking things off

Well this is the first post of many hopefully. It will take a while to get things up and running but I'm hoping to update on a more or less daily basis.
Be looking forward to sketches, illustrations, stories, music, links, doggy play by plays, various and sundry other things, and some other altogether unrelated stuff. Motivate, motivate, motivate!